How to request funds from an existing customer as an admin?

Requesting funds from a customer

Ano Tisam

Last Update 5 tháng trước

You can request payments from your customers by sending them a payment request. Note that your customers will need to be Smartie users and have downloaded the Smartie app.

To send a payment request from the merchant app click the Pay button at the bottom center.

Click on the Pay pop up

Search for the customer and then click on their account profile to select them.

Enter in the amount you are requesting from the the customer and then click on the Request button.

Enter your PIN number to approve the request for Payment

You should get a success message saying the request is sent.

A payment request will be sent to the customer. 

The customer can access the payment request via the SmartPay app from the Inbox tab

Click the Merchant that sent the payment requesting.

Click the accept button to accept the payment request.

Once accepted, the amount will be sent from the customers wallet to the merchants wallet.

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