Merchant Web: Overview

Overview of Merchant Web Features

Ano Tisam

Last Update 9 maanden geleden

What is merchant web?

The merchant web is the website version of the Merchant application where you can track your their transactions and manage your merchant account and settings. 

  1. Home: The homepage of the merchant account. Where you have a quick overview of analytics.
  2. Transactions: Current active page showing the transaction history.
  3. Payroll: Access payroll management features.
  4. Analytics: View and analyze financial data and reports.
  5. Checkouts: Manage checkouts and their settings.
  6. Staff Members: Manage staff member accounts and permissions.
  7. Settings: Configure account and application settings.
  8. Help: Access help resources and support.
  9. Inbox: View payment messages and notifications.
  10. Log out: Sign out of the merchant account.
  11. Smartie Logo: Branding of the Smartie fintech app.
  12. Merchant App Notice: Information about managing additional settings using the Smartie Merchant App.

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